How Working with a Career Coach Transformed My Life

I had it all, but I just wasn’t happy. I’d spent the better part of a decade working toward a career in HR leadership and had recently jumped headfirst into what I thought was my dream job. I was earning the salary I wanted, had the responsibilities I’d longed for, and by all outward appearances, was totally crushing this whole career thing.

But, just a few months into my new job, I found myself dreading going into work. I had no energy, no motivation, and just wasn’t myself. I kept wondering what the heck was wrong with me. For the life of me, I just couldn’t figure it out.

I became determined to break out of my rut. So, I decided to find a career coach who could help me rediscover my motivation and fall back in love with my dream job. After sorting through tons of Yelp reviews, I found my career coach. And I instantly knew that she was the person I had to work with. A coach who focuses on top performers, has tons of experience in the corporate world, and doesn’t put up with any bulls**t? Sign me up.

At our first meeting, I spilled my guts, and Pooja listened patiently. When I was finally done, she asked, “do you think you’ll get fired?” I laughed. Of course I wasn’t going to get fired. I was great at my job.

“OK,” she said. “Let’s just pretend for a moment that you did get fired. How would that make you feel?”


I would feel relieved if I got fired from my job.

This one question completely shifted my perspective. Maybe the reason that I wasn’t feeling motivated was that I was in the wrong job. Maybe there was nothing wrong with me at all.

I didn’t know it at the time, but this session was the start of an amazing, terrifying, and life-changing career pivot that involved quitting my job (without a backup plan), trying on a few different roles and industries, and ultimately, starting my own business.

It wasn’t easy, and the path forward wasn’t always clear, but Pooja was there for me every step of the way, cheering me on, inspiring me, and calling me on my BS when she needed to.

Pooja helped me come to terms with wanting to quit my job, create a financial game plan, figure out what to say when I gave notice after just a few months on the job, explore my interests, try new things, zero in on my goals, create a business plan, and launch The Job Hop. All in less than a few months.

I really believe that if I hadn’t connected with Pooja, I’d still be slogging away at a job that wasn’t meant for me. And I’d probably be pretty miserable.

I don’t want that to happen to anyone else.

That’s why I do the work that I do now.





Jaclyn WestlakeComment