What to Do When Your Dream Job's Not Your Dream Job Anymore

If you’ve been fortunate enough to land a dream job, you know how painful it can be to fall out of love with it. As your priorities change over time, so too will your thoughts on what constitutes a dream job. Working for a hot up-and-coming company with beer on tap and free lunch every day might have felt like winning the career lottery six years ago, but now you’d prefer a generous 401K match, good health insurance, and a more flexible schedule.

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Jaclyn WestlakeComment
5 Surprisingly Weird Things That'll Happen After You Give Two Weeks' Notice

The search is over. You’ve scored a shiny new job offer from an awesome company, and now all you have to do is let your employer know that you’ll be moving on. After you deliver the news that you’re leaving, you’ll still have a couple more weeks of work ahead of you—and those last two weeks can be pretty weird.

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5 Things That Might Happen if Your Boss Finds Out You're Job Searching

Well, this is awkward. You’ve been job searching, and now your boss knows it. Whether she overheard you chatting up a co-worker about your recent interview, called you on all of those “dentist appointments” you’ve been going to, or found a copy of your resume in the office printer, there’s no longer any way to hide the fact that you’ve been looking. What next?

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4 Soul Crushing Moments Every Job Seeker Experiences (And How to Get Through 'Em)

Looking for a new job is no easy task. The process is fraught with sterile rejection emails, awkward interview experiences, and tricky conversations. Sometimes you may even go months without getting a single interview. At some point during your search, you might hit a road block that is so devastating, you begin to question whether or not you should even keep looking. 


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